Poker Isometrics

Subtitle: And Poker Fitness

Based on The Cover

Poker Isometrics And Poker Fitness explores the importance of physical well being for poker players aiming to boost their performance at the poker table. The book introduces “Poker Isometrics,” a combination of physical exercises meant to enhance focus, discipline and stamina. These exercises aim to help players stay calm and attentive during poker sessions reduce stress levels and improve decision making abilities. Additionally the book provides insights on maintaining a diet engaging in exercise routines and adopting sleep habits to support overall wellness and optimize performance, in the game of poker.

TL;DR - Important Takeaways

  1. The book provides detailed instructions on how poker players can use isometric exercises to strengthen and condition their bodies while sitting at the poker table, in order to improve overall health, energy, focus and emotional control. Key principles are to breathe naturally while contracting muscles, keep the neck and face relaxed to avoid strain, and target specific muscle groups in isolation.
  2. Exercises are explained for discretely strengthening the biceps, chest, triceps, shoulders, back, neck, thighs, calves, hips, butt and core while maintaining the element of surprise during poker play. For the core specifically, the book emphasizes simultaneously engaging the diaphragm, pelvic floor, abdominal and back muscles to form a strong “cylinder” of support, including using Kegel exercises.
  3. Several restorative stretches and postures are also described to relieve tension in the back and neck from hours of sitting, such as lying face down, lying supine with knees bent, standing forward bends, and gentle standing backbends and side stretches. The goal is to relax the muscles and allow the spinal discs to decompress.
  4. The importance of proper nutrition for poker players is addressed in the “Simple Poker Diet”, which focuses on frequently eating lean proteins, vegetables, legumes and healthy fats while avoiding sugars, refined carbohydrates, fried foods and hydrogenated oils. Occasional cheat meals are allowed to make the plan realistic and sustainable.
  5. Nutritional supplements are presented as an important tool for poker players to boost their health, energy and mental stamina. Specific nutrients and herbs are outlined that support heart health, fat loss, stress resistance, brain power, digestion and muscle development. Tips are provided on finding high-quality, cost-effective sources of supplements rather than just expensive commercial brands.

What We Learned From Reading the Book

The detailed instructions for isometric exercises that can be done discreetly at the poker table were particularly interesting, as they provide a practical way for players to stay physically active during long periods of sitting.

The emphasis on maintaining good posture, breathing techniques, and avoiding strain while doing the exercises is also important to prevent injury. Furthermore, the inclusion of nutritional advice and information on dietary supplements shows a comprehensive approach to overall health and well-being.

While the information may not be entirely new from a general health and fitness perspective, the specific application to the poker playing lifestyle and environment makes it valuable and potentially impactful for the intended audience.