Real Poker Psychology

Based on The Cover

In recent years, a wealth of new insights has emerged in the field of poker psychology. This aspect of poker, while less strategic, is crucial to overall success in the game, leading to the rise of mental coaching. Poker, a game rooted in probability, can mislead many players due to its counterintuitive nature and significant short-term luck factor. Therefore, psychological tools are believed to be necessary for effective play. However, a comprehensive understanding of poker, including strategic principles, counterintuitiveness, and the luck factor, can typically resolve all issues. In his book, Real Poker Psychology, Mason Malmuth, a professional player and author of numerous poker and gambling books, offers a unique perspective on the game’s psychological aspects. His approach differs from other works in the field, leading to unique conclusions. The book covers a wide range of topics, including Variance, Tilt, Craving Action, and more.