Texas Hold’em Odds and Probabilities

Subtitle: Limit, No-Limit, and Tournament Strategies

Based on The Cover

Every single decision you make at the poker table is in some way related to odds and probabilities. Whether you are deciding to bet, call, fold, raise, or even bluff, odds and probabilities are an integral part of the decision-making process.

– How often does each starting hand win against a specific hand or random hand?
– What are the odds of your opponent holding a pocket pair when he raises?
– What is the probability that an over-card will flop when you hold JJ?
– How do you determine if drawing is profitable or not?

This book covers all forms of the game, including limit, no-limit, and tournament situations. It does more than just show you how to calculate the odds – more importantly, the focus is on how to apply odds to make better decisions. Hilger’s approach shows that you do not need to be a math wiz to be successful in poker. Simple concepts and strategies that anyone can learn will have you matching wits with the top players in no time. Some of the topics include: raising draws for value, backdoor draws, facing all-in decisions before the flop, protecting your hand, the impact of stack sizes, and much more. In addition, the most comprehensive collection of Texas Hold’em charts and statistics ever put in print is provided as reference.